Category: Articles

Birthday Chronicle Review

Birthday Chronicle Review

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A personalized (8 1/2 x 11) mini-newspaper front page, going back as far as January 1, 1900  up to December 31, 2011.  Your Birthday Chronicle includes a greeting, by name, from the then-President of the United States, plus newspaper headlines and stories from the year of your birth.

You will enjoy reading your Birthday Chronicle over and over again.  Always a conversational piece with groups young and old … you will be able to read and reminisce about the academy award winners and the top music hits and songs from the year of your birth.

Great gift idea for a birthday, a party or just to hang in any room.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

It’s Wednesday again, We all know what that means. It’s Hump Day PayPal Wednesday!!! $25 goes to the winner via PayPal!

A HUGE Thank you to our Sponsor’s for hosting this weeks Hump Day Giveaway

Mommy and Baby Reviews and Giveaways

Kathleen’s Blog Spot

Shawnie’s Savings and Samples

Family Love and Other Stuff

Mommy’s Block Party


Powered by Mom

Mom Goes Wild

Love My 2 Dogs

Tallulah and Belle

Crafty Kate Going Crazy

Life as Leels

The Megalomaniac Mommy

Africa’s Blog

Christina Serrano Ind Avon Rep

Kathryns Kloset

Wraps With Wendy

Made By Jess

Owen Brothers GlobalNet Outdoors

Nana Crafts and Beyond

Save More Spend Less

Raking in the Savings

Origami Owl – Ashley Owen, Independent Designer


Today I wanted to take a break from my normal posts. This isn’t one of my giveaways or reviews, but a post on a topic that needs more exposure. It’s Drunk Driving. I am going to share something that has been passed around the internet probably more times than can be imagined. I can not bring myself to post the picture that is being shared with it because it was just to heartbreaking.

My reason for sharing this isn’t because of a personal experience with Drunk Driving but because I am a parent and a human being. Too many times people take life for granted and are selfish in the choices they make. Rarely, do they think how are my actions going to effect others. Is my one moment of thinking I am sober enough to drive going to decide the fate of someone else?

Before you have the drink and decide to take that chance read this article. Remember that the choices you make don’t just effect yourself but the lives of people you may never meet. Take responsibility and remember that a drink just isn’t worth it if you have to drive. Maybe print and carry this article with you in case you need a reminder when you are showing your ID to make that purchase or have that drink. OK enough from me. I warn you that you may need tissues. I am off to hug my kids and be thankful for what I have.


Continue reading

Safari Chic Sweepstakes

Be sure to enter by visiting Japonesque on Facebook and Twitter!

Kodak Prize Package Giveaway

Lets face it everyone needs a camera. Whether you are taking pictures of you kids recital or the basketball game you got court side tickets for. In the world where Smart phones have taken over, sometimes they just don’t cut it. They take too long to snap the picture and you missed the surprised face when your child opened that unexpected gift they asked for 1,000 times. Well we want to make sure you never miss another photo chance again.
Kathleen’s Blog Spot, along with several other amazing blogs and businesses, is giving one of our lucky readers the chance to win a Kodak Camera Prize Package!
Enter starting March 15 and ending March 22, 2012!!
One Winner is going to receive the following amazing prizes!
The Susan G. Komen Kodak  C1530 Camera
A Susan G. Komen Camera Case 
A Susan G. Komen Camera Neck Strap
Kodak C1530 Pink 14MP Susan G. Komen Digital Camera 

  • 14 megapixel resolution – Delivers excellent picture quality
  • Kodak 32-96mm zoom lens – Features a 3x optical zoom
  • 3.0″ LCD display – Enjoy easy focus selection and photo viewing
  • VGA movie file format – Record movies in resolution up to 640 x 480 on this compact Kodak camera
  • 16 scene modes – Provide creative options for taking eye-catching photos with accurate color
  • Burst mode: 3 frames per second – Get perfect action shots without sacrificing quality
  • Kodak Share button – Easy uploading to Kodak Gallery, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Flickr, Orkut and more


Hello from the author of “Raising Amazing Children (… While Having a Life of Your Own)” Deborah Drezon Carroll:
Our daughter’s wedding was a glorious event for us, as you might imagine. After it was over, though, one thing stuck in my mind. People, our friends and other guests whom we didn’t know, repeatedly came up to us and said, “Your daughters are amazing. What’s your secret?”
While that is a beautiful sentiment, and may even be true (if I do say so myself), I wondered: Are they really amazing? We have three daughters who are really just lovely people with good hearts and good souls. They weren’t exceptional students (they were good students for the most part) or outstanding athletes (they did try, though); they didn’t cure cancer in our basement, or discover the secret to solving the world hunger problem. They didn’t win scholarships or attend Ivy League colleges. They just were good kids (most of the time but certainly not without challenges along the way) who grew up to be teachers.
And that’s when I realized: maybe they are amazing.
If the goal of being a good parent is to do the job well enough for our kids to leave us someday and be happy people who are independent and live with integrity and decency, and if achieving that is amazing, maybe we were all amazing.
I thought about how we achieved such greatness. What was our parenting secret?
My husband and I had both been teachers early in our careers. We learned a great deal about how children develop. We learned strategies for facilitating growth in young people by treating them with respect, trust, faith, and high expectations. And, when we had our first child we got some very good advice.
The advice was to find ways to integrate our child into our lives rather than turning our lives completely upside down to integrate ourselves into our child’s life. In other words, we were advised to raise our kids while living life the way we loved it before our kids were born as much as possible. We were told to find ways to keep doing the things we loved so we could share them with our kids. And so we did. Whatever we did, we invited our kids to do it with us. From cleaning the house to traveling across the country on a camping trip (Yes, we did go on a cross country trip with three kids under the age of 5!), if it was something we did before we had kids, we did it with our kids. We tried not to give up any of the things that mattered to us before we became parents, we just found ways to incorporate our children into those activities.
As a result, our children learned life skills by experiencing life with us. They learned to love reading and writing as we do so they value education. They can do simple home repair, they all did their own laundry since they were very little, and each can negotiate a tight deal of any sort. They understand the value of work and the need to budget money as they watched us do both and learned by seeing our struggles and our successes. They learned compassion and caring for family, friends, and strangers as they lived both on a daily basis. In short, they learned how to live life by living it with us and witnessing the ins and outs of making a life work.
The simple tasks of everyday living provide parents with opportunities to teach children something of value each day. By inviting your kids to work alongside as you do things like shopping, housecleaning, gardening, cooking, home repair, traveling and more, you both win. You’ll save time as you’ll have helping hands to get the jobs done faster, your child will learn priceless life skills, and you’ll all have more time to enjoy life together.
By incorporating your kids into your life, you get to continue living a life that makes you happy. Happy parents raise happy children. Your kids will thank you for it… some day!
Raising Amazing Children (…While Having a Life of Your Own). The title sums up our parenting secret.
To learn more about Debby and her book, visit her website!

Join our HUGE 10K FanBration!

LaDonna Dennis, creator and mastermind of www.momblogsociety and Pamela Maynard, creator of have both reached an exciting point in our fan base. We now have 10,000 FB fans and still growing everyday. We are so excited about reaching this point and would like to thank our fans by holding a 10K fan celebration.

FREE to join!

The event will include over 50 top bloggers– that’s you- helping to promote this enormous giveaway.

There will be over 20 to 30 prizes and 20 to 30 winners. That’s over $1000 in prizes! Yay!

Sign up here!

The only requirement is that all participating bloggers must have over 5,000 FB fans.

We are taking sign ups until 3/29

Giveaway starts 4/1 and ends 4/24.

Mom Blog Society and friends Wholesale Costumes Twitter party!

FOUR PRIZES! Four winners will choose a costume of their choice valuing $35 or less!

Go here to find the answers to the questions that will be asked for your chance to win a costume!

Join Pampers in celebrating their accomplishment of 1,000,000 Fans!

Sonogram technicians and
ultrasound technicians
may want to let their patients know about this

They are celebrating by giving away 1,000,000 gift to grow points!
100 fans will win 10,000 points. That’s a lot of points!
You can entry every day until March 22, 2012
And Prizes!!!

Tips For New Moms

Tips for New Moms

After many long months of waiting, your new baby has arrived.

There are so many precious moments for the new mom, but also times of unease. Some new mom’s feel like they need to bond with baby around the clock. That is good for a mother and child’s development, but a new mom can also wear out quickly if she forgets to take time to also care about herself.

Remember that while caring for your baby, you also need to have energy and strength to be in the right mindset. Being overworked and restless can impact how to think, feel and act.

During the early days of your baby’s life she will be sleeping a lot. The only thing is the sleeping takes place in short intervals around the clock. Utilize moments of when baby goes to sleep to also get some rest. There’s no sense in thinking, “I will just sleep later,” because it’s unlikely you can catch up on rest that way when you won’t be able to get out more than two-to-three hours of straight rest. Baby needs to be fed in these short intervals early on in life.

As a new mom, it is also important to learn to accept the help of others. You really need it. Whether it is help with cleaning up the home, cooking meals or helping to watch baby while you get some rest or some personal time, it can help you maintain a better state of mind and not feel overwhelmed.

Your well-being means you can properly continue to care for baby and give her a positive emotional state. Your baby’s senses are strong. She can sense a relaxed and calm mom as opposed to a stressed and tense mom. Your child’s brain is rapidly absorbing every sight, sound, scent, and feeling. Learning about how children develop psychologically can relieve tension and uneasiness in new mothers as well,

You will continue to help her learn about the world around her with how you respond and react to situations, as well as from the stimulation of touch, conversation and toys.


iVillage (2011)

WebMD (2012)